More Track Time
Less Registration Line Time!

Setup your race information including the race date, fees & registration start/end times.
Our website does the rest.

Registrations are paid online and in real-time. Payments automatically post to your track Square account safely and securely.

Import all rider race registration data into Race Manager using the built-in CSV import function & stop rekeying data!

Customize your track's personal registration website.
Every track has their own way of handling race registration. Do you offer a second bike discount for riders racing both class and cruiser? Do you allow striders to race for free? Do you offer specific discounts to key volunteers? Your personal race registration website at presign.me allows you to define all these options and more to automatically apply registration discounts at checkout.

Build By BMX Riders
For BMX Riders
The presign.me website was built by a racing family. We know the time and effort it takes for volunteers to keep the track running. Handling race registrations can be easier and, with presign.me, it is.
Your presign.me rider/parent login works for every track using presign.me! Setup your account and racer profile(s) once. No need to enter your serial and plates numbers each time you want to register. If your track is not using presign.me, get in touch with us.